Did you know that residents of nursing homes cannot receive ANY visitors right now and can’t participate in their group activities?
After speaking with Port Orange Nursing and Rehab – we’ve learned that it’s been a tremendous struggle for the residents and for their families. Because of this, LaBosco’s has partnered with the Volusia Thanksgiving Basket Brigade to form ‘Operation Give a Smile’. We are challenging kids ages 17 and under to utilize their illustrative writing skills and pair them with their artistic skills to create a card/letter for a nursing home resident at Port Orange Nursing and Rehab.
Encourage kids to use photos, drawings, paintings, stickers, crafts…anything that will help them complete the mission of giving a smile. Our goal is to collect 110 creations!
Creations should be placed in an envelope with the creator’s name and address on it and drop it off OR mail it to LaBosco’s Jewelry Castle 4360 S. Ridgewood Avenue Port Orange, FL 32127 BY APRIL 15th (post mark must be by April 15 if mailing).
Each contribution earns the creator an entry into our giveaway where one girl and one boy will be selected at random to win the Grand Prizes. Eight (8) additional entries will be randomly selected to win the Runner-Up Prizes. All EIGHT winners will be announced on Facebook on April 17th at 5pm at facebook.com/LaBoscos.
GRAND PRIZE: One girl and one boy will win a $20 Target gift card, $5 Chick-Fil-A card and a goodie bag which consists of a diamond pen, Bath & Body Works hand sanitizer and candy.
EIGHT RUNNER-UP PRIZES: Eight (8) others will win a $5 Chick-Fil-A card and a goodie bag which consists of a diamond pen, Bath & Body Works hand sanitizer and candy.