Celebrate with labosco’s
What’s happening at LaBosco’s on November 30? Free jewelry and other gifts for the first 50 people! In-store prize drawings every 15 minutes!!! An insane 2-hour sale on all merchandise in our store. This will be the most epic event in the history of epic events (okay, that’s a stretch, but you can get free jewelry people!!!! A free diamond pen!). Be one of the first 50 people at the Castle from 10am-12pm!
Giveaway every 15 minutes!
November 30th we are giving away lots of stuff in our store from 10am-12pm…here are only two of the items that will be included in a bag of goodies given to the first 50 people between 10-12! We will also be doing a drawing every 15 minutes in the store that day! Lots of jewelry and swag up for grabs! MARK THE CALENDAR NOW 💎